APP Cemig Atende

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Gas Leakage

The Gas Leakage Rate is calculated by surveying volumes emitted into the atmosphere in routine operations such as preventive or corrective maintenance, new customer connections (purges), rare network interventions to change traces, and estimates of the few Emergencies in the High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) mesh, divided by the total distributed volume of gas.

The figures provide below include gas leakage caused by: Vent, Fugitive, Pneumatic and Unburnt.

The volume of gas emitted in 2022 was 29.956,06 m³).

The total volume of natural gas sold in 2022 was 1.105.500.000 m³.

There were few leaks due to network accidents caused by third-party works. This is because Gasmig’s distribution network is well signaled and consists of special carbon steel tubes with welded seams, buried lock valves and welded connections with the pipes. All welds of steel pipes are strictly inspected according to ANSI (American National Standard Institute) B 31.8 or ABNT NBR No. 12712 (Brazil) standards. The Gasmig distribution network of HDPE had few accidents due to excavations of third parties. After a meeting with the water and sewage utility company, a consultation procedure was established prior to registration and follow-up when there was interference, which eliminated the cause of the accidents. The same procedure was established with the other concessionaires.

Gasmig does not have transportation or storage activities.

Distribution Leakages (%)

2019 2020 2021 2022
0.000014 0.000018 0.000012 0,003