APP Cemig Atende

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Cemig's concession area covers approximately 97% of the territory of Minas Gerais, corresponding to 562,760 km²

Wanderson José Rodrigues de Carvalho, operador de Usina durante a realização de manobras na subestação da usina Itutinga.

We are the largest energy distribution group in South America, with a highlight in Minas Gerais. Through “Cemig Distribution” we serve over 08 million consumers.

Therefore, Cemig’s concession area covers about 97% of Minas Gerais’ territory, corresponding to 562,760 km2 approximately. In this concession area, we have 44 generation plants, based predominantly on hydroelectric power, which produce electricity to serve 8.6 million people, in 774 municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais.